
Changes to look out for in SAFE ® 4.5 version

The SAFe® 4.5 version is a result of intense research from countless implementations, feedback from customers and various communities, advancements made in the realm of the areas of knowledge that SAFe® has been built upon. The new version,  that is SAFe® 4.5 comes with a promise of being leaner, increasingly Agile, and capable of being much more supportive of innovation, speed and learning in comparison to any of its predecessors.  SAFe® 4.5 is designed to help organizations and enterprises to get better, achieve greater business results at a faster pace, steadily, and constantly.  SAFe® 4.5 has been designed in such a manner that it can be flexible enough to meet the needs of your organization.

The new version of SAFe® 4.5 allows organizations to:

  •  Making the best use of Lean User Experience(Lean UX) and Lean Startup Cycle to quickly test ideas
  •  Use the Continuous Delivery Pipeline and Scalable DevOps for faster delivery.
  •  Implementing Lean Budgets and Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) for the simplification and improvement of portfolio performance and governance.

Any change at an organizational level is difficult to implement since it involves the adopting of new behaviours, culture, leadership styles, and management practices.  SAFe® helps accelerate the process of Lean-Agile transformation in accordance to the new Implementation Roadmap which would act as a guide to the enterprise in every manner.  SAFe® is sustained by a global network of SAFe® Program Consultants (SPCs) and Scaled Agile Partners.  SAFe® 4.5 version helps maximize the speed of service delivery right from the inception of the idea to the release, from incorporating customer feedback to imbibing enhancements, and providing 360-degree structure for a ‘build-measure-learn’ feedback cycle.
The new SAFe® 4.5 version focuses on key areas of improvements like:

  •  Essential SAFe® and Configurability Innovation with Lean Start-up- Its’ new and configurable framework is user-friendly and comes with the guidance to meet the requirement of the service or product. Essential SAFe® is helpful for those companies that start off simply and quickly.
  • Continuous Delivery Implementation Roadmap- New content in the Lean Start-up Cycle, Lean Portfolio Management (LPM), Lean UX, and Lean Budgets is helpful in fast-paced innovation and implementation strategy to realize business goals in less time.
  • Lean UX ­Scalable DevOps- Scalable DevOps and continuous delivery pipeline, together accelerates build-measure-learn cycle which ensures faster innovation and frequent release.  DevOps is a set of practices that provide integration, automation, communication, and cooperation among professionals who plan, test, develop, release, deploy and sustain Solutions.  SAFe® organizations implement DevOps for breaking silos and empowering Agile Teams, ART and Solution Trains to consistently deliver unique features to the end users.
    Miscellaneous factors- Along with the new content of SAFe® 4.5 version, all content of the 4.0 version has been updated giving more learning.
  • Backward compatibility with SAFe® 4.0 is a major advantage of SAFe® 4.5 which means that various organizations can implement the features of the new version as per their own convenience and pace.

If you want to attend any of the SAFe® 4.5 certification courses, please check the schedules here

SAFE® Agile Course Schedules

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